About Us

View from the Port Publishing was established in 2020 by Carol Carson

View from the Port Publishing provides professionals with resources for working with children and adolescents who have problematic or abusive sexual behaviours, or other difficult behaviours

About the Author

Carol Carson is an independent social work consultant and trainer with over 30 years of experience working in safeguarding children including over 20 years experience in assessment and direct work with children and adolescents with problematic or abusive sexual behaviours and in supporting professionals who work with them

This is her first book based on her work with younger children

Carol is the manager of The AIM Project as well as the author of the AIM Under 12s Assessment Model (2019) and co-author of the AIM Education Guidance (2021)


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'Johnny and the Sparkles in his Pants'

Our latest release


Johnny and the Sparkles in his Pants

A cautionary note, This book is intended for use by professionals working with children from 5 to 8 years old, who are displaying concerning sexual behaviors and who may have been sexually abused themselves.

Feeling alone, scared and confused is common for young children who have sexual behaviour problems. Employing the power of imagination, this story helps the practitioner support the child in safely processing events and emotions. It models practical strategies, communicating how they will be cared for and supported. So that they can go on to feel much safer, braver and much, much happier.

Follow Johnny as he embarks on a brave journey to the sunny lands, encountering monsters and friends along the way

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